Dust Mites Allergy


Board Certified Allergy And Asthma Specialists (For Children & Adults)

About Dust Mites Allergy

Let us introduce you to all queries that you might have in your mind related to dust mites allergy.

What Are House Dust Mites?

House dust mites are small organisms that live and grow in house dust.

How Do Dust Mites Allergy Affect People?

House dust mites can cause allergy and asthma symptoms in children and adults.

How Is A Dust Mites Allergy Detected?

Skin testing is the easiest way to detect a dust mite allergy.

How Is A Dust Mite Allergy Treated?

Reducing the number of house dust mites in the home may help improve symptoms. To reduce the number of house dust mites in the home try the following:

  • Vacuum all carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture at least once a week. Using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter may be helpful.
  • Keep humidity in the house below 50%. Use a dehumidifier if necessary. Do not use a humidifier in the bedroom. Use air conditioning during the summer months.
  • Remove (if possible) or do not install wall-to-wall carpeting, particularly in the bedroom areas.
  • Use only washable bedding materials. Clean them often.
  • Cover mattresses, box springs, and bed pillows with airtight zip-around covers.
  • Wash all bedding weekly. Use hot water (130º F). This includes sheets, pillows, and mattress pads.
  • Wash stuffed toys in hot water (130º F). Do this every 7-10 days.
  • Remove curtains, blinds, books, and toys from the bedroom areas to help reduce dust levels.
  • HEPA air filters are not necessary.
  • Consider cleaning your air ducts
  • Medications such as steroid nasal sprays can help the symptoms of the dust mite
  • Allergy shots can be very helpful in decreasing a person’s allergy to dust mite

Working Hours

Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm
(Injections 9:30am - 11:45am & 1:00pm - 4:30pm)
Tuesday 9:00am - 4:30pm
(Injections 1:00pm - 4:30pm)
Wednesday 9:00am - 4:30pm
(Injections 1:00pm - 6:45pm)
Thursday 9:00am - 4:30pm
(Injections 9:00am - 11:45am)
Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday CLOSED